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【大紀元7月1日訊】享譽國際的台北愛樂室內合唱團,七月將到國際音樂節指標性的「巴哈音樂節Bach Festival」演出,並成為此次唯一受邀的亞洲合唱團;該團同時也再度受邀參加「第七屆國際合唱音樂節」。在7/6-16為期十一天的美國巡迴演出中,該團將用美妙歌聲帶來「印象台灣」!台北愛樂合唱團藝術總監暨指揮杜黑表示,今年的演出以「印象台灣」為主題,以無伴奏精緻合唱音樂為主,和少數配合鋼琴伴奏的合唱作品;曲目包括台灣當代作曲家的創作、台灣原住民組曲、國台語的經典群星會老歌及校園民歌,和西方當代經典作品,充分展現台灣融合多元文化的民族風格。 巡迴演出首站將於7月7日在灣區Palo Alto的First United Methodist Church舉行;7月8日在加州Grass Valley的Don Baggett Theatre舉行音樂會;7月10日在奧勒岡州『巴哈音樂節』「來自東方的音樂」系列音樂會中演出一場;7月12日到15日於蒙大拿州的『第七屆國際合唱音樂節』舉行五場演出。 杜黑也表示,希望這次的美國巡迴,讓將台灣的獨特音樂風格及豐富的合唱表演型態更深入到美國各地。◇ (http://www.dajiyuan.com)

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2006第七屆台北國際合唱音樂節,將有日本超人氣作曲家松下耕帶領『日本男聲合唱團』來台演出,還有來自巴爾幹半島的『克羅埃西亞室內合唱團』,多次榮獲國際大賽首獎佳績的『挪威女聲合唱團』,結合人聲與擊樂的五人團體『澳洲Coco's Lunch』,以及曾於 2002 年驚豔全台樂迷的『瑞典古斯塔夫室內合唱團』重裝登場。 閉幕音樂會將由台北愛樂合唱團、節慶合唱團與台北愛樂青年管弦樂團,在匈牙利指揮 嘉保.豪勒隆帶領下,演出莫札特《安魂曲》。合唱音樂營、指揮營及全國巡迴音樂會同步舉行。今年夏天,台北愛樂邀請您到現場體驗世界頂級的美妙人聲音樂饗宴! 場次資訊 ◎本會保留節目異動之權利 ─台北國家音樂廳─ 

7/29(六)19:30 開幕音樂會(本場票券已售罄) 克羅埃西亞、挪威、日本團及台北愛樂室內合唱團 
7/30(日)19:30 克羅埃西亞室內合唱團聯演│台大校友合唱團 指揮│戴金泉 
7/31(一)19:30 挪威女聲合唱團 
8/1(二)19:30 日本男聲合唱團 聯演│台北世紀合唱團 指揮│陳麗芬 
8/2(三)19:30 澳洲Coco's Lunch 聯演│ 歐開歌手 
8/4(五)19:30 瑞典古斯塔夫室內合唱團聯演│ 福爾摩沙合唱團 指揮│蘇慶俊 
8/5(六)19:30 閉幕音樂會 莫札特 節慶合唱團、台北愛樂合唱團、台北愛樂青年管弦樂團、
澳洲Coco's Lunch、瑞典古斯塔夫室內合唱團 指揮/嘉保.豪勒隆 高雄至德堂 

7/30(日)19:30 日本男聲合唱團聯演│ 高雄市教師合唱團,指揮│ 林于青 宜蘭縣立文化中心演藝廳 
8/1(二)19:30 挪威女聲合唱團聯演│蘭陽女中合唱團,指揮│伍素瑾 台南縣立文化中心音樂廳

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Community Asian Theatre of the Sierra - Community Asian Theatre of the Sierra (CATS) Proudly Presents IMAGE TAIWAN by Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir

Saturday July 8, 2006 at 7:00PM PST Doors: 6:00PM PST
 [ Event Description ]
Community Asian Theatre of the Sierra (CATS) is pleased to sponsor, along with the Nevada Union High School Choir Boosters and Music in the Mountains, the Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir's presentation of IMAGE TAIWAN. This world-renowned 35-member choir is on national tour and will be in the Sierra Foothills for one performance only.  The Choir has toured internationally since 1972 and have garnered many accolades, including performances at exclusive world choral festivals.  CATS is very fortunate to bring them to the Sierra Foothills.  

IMAGE TAIWAN presents Chinese and Taiwanese songs from traditions that blend different races of people and thousands of years of history.  Enjoy Mongolian folksongs, Chinese choral works, Taiwan folk songs and aboriginal tunes, and the latest Taiwan popular songs arranged by Taiwanese composers.  
11761 Ridge Road Grass Valley, CA
Don Baggett Theatre at the Nevada Union High School
$8.00 - 12.00
Community Asian Theatre of the Sierra (CATS)
Saturday July 8, 2006 at 3:00PM PST

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Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir
2006 US Concert Tour Concert Announcement (Palo Alto, CA)

On Friday, July 7th, the internationally renowned Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir will give a concert here in the San Francisco Bay Area, the first stop of its 2006 US concert tour.

This prestigious 40-voice professional choir is the elite group selected from the 140-member-strong Taipei Philharmonic Chorus, its parent chorus who built and owns a well-respected reputation since it's founding in 1972.

Being the premium choral body in Taiwan, Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir has been active at home with not just regular concert performances but also assisted in the governmental community outreach projects, introducing and popularizing higher level of choral art to metropolitans and rural areas alike. In addition, one of the choir's missions is to dedicate itself the choral ambassador role for Taiwan, participating in various international music scenes.

Under the direction of Maestro Dirk DuHei, The choir has already on its record an impressive list of highly regarded overseas performances as well as appearances in many acclaimed international choral festivals and symposiums in the past decade. The music interpretation and form of Maestro DuHei is highly regarded both domestically and internationally. He is once again leading the choir on the upcoming tour. The following links provide more information about the choir, Maestro DuHei, as well as multimedia clips.


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