
疲累感一波接著一波,但是都是令人喜愛、沉迷的工作, 能夠這樣唱,真好:)

俊儒~ 我們會帶著你的心一起在加拿大的土地上,用心感動每個人的!


Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir appears in these MusicFest Vancouver concerts:

Photo of Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir

Dirk DuHei, Artistic Director and Conductor
Johnny Yu-Chung-Ku, Conductor

The Taipei Philharmonic Chorus was founded in 1972 and through the efforts of its conductors, has put together an extensive repertoire and cultivated a reputation as the most prestigious choir in Taiwan.

From among the 140 members of the larger Chorus, a smaller 30-voice chamber choir – Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir – has been established to tour and to perform more selective repertoire. It has participated in the International Chamber Choir Festival in Latvia in 1995, World Symposium on Choral Music in Sydney in 1996, Festival Vancouver in 2000, Asia-South-Pacific Symposium on Choral Music in Singapore in 2001, World Symposium on Choral Music in Minneapolis in 2002, the 46th International Opera Festival Smetana’s Litomysl and IFAS – the 18th International Festival of Academic Choirs in 2004, Oregon Bach Festival in Eugene, Oregon in 2006, Sevso Music Festival, Zemplen Festival, and Europa Cantat International Singing Week in 2007, among others. In its 16 year history the choir has performed in more than twenty countries, and 40 cities.

The choir participates in various Taiwanese government projects by giving highly appreciated concerts all over Taiwan. As one of the leading performing groups in Taiwan, it has had the sponsorship of the Council for Cultural Planning and Development (now the Council for Cultural Affairs) since 1994. The choir is a frequent winner of the Golden Melody Award – the most prestigious music award in Taiwan. Its “Image China” album was awarded “Best Vocal Performance,” “Best Record Production,” and “Best Classical Record”. The “Maiden of Malan” album was awarded the “Best Composition.” The “Buddhist Requiem” album was awarded the “Best Composition” and “Best Sacred Music Record.” The “Zero – Classical Choral Works of Taiwan” was awarded the “Best Performance,” “Best Record Production,” and “Best Classical Record”.

Artistic Director and Conductor, Dirk DuHei, who won the National Culture and Art Prize in 1997, is devoted music education and choral music. Although born in China, he received his Master of Music in conducting at the University of Illinois, U.S.A., and then returned to Taiwan to become actively involved in choral directing. Since 1983 Dirk DuHei has been the permanent music director and conductor of the Taipei Philharmonic Chorus. In 1988 he launched the Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education to promote choral and other musical activities in Taiwan. This foundation has over these years been involved in presenting hundreds of famous artists and ensembles, both local and foreign. And the foundation has successfully promoted for international cultural exchange such as the “Taipei International Choral Festival”, “Taipei Philharmonic Summer Festival” and “Taipei Philharmonic International Choral Workshop”.

Dirk DuHei contributes to the musical life of Taiwan by premiering new pieces and organizing educational performances and seminars. He has often been invited to be a member of the jury at prestigious international choral competitions (Fulda, Germany; Riva Del Garda, Italy; Budapest, Hungary; Sydney, Australia; Hong Kong; Takarazka, Japan, to name a few). From England to Australia, Korea to the U.S.A, Dirk DuHei and his chamber choir have performed at various international festivals with enormous success. He is currently Professor of Music at the Chinese Cultural University, Director of the Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education, Chairman of the Taiwan Federation for Choral Music, Music Director of the Taipei Philharmonic Chorus, Chamber Choir and Youth Choir, and conductor of the Taipei Women’s Singing Society. He also serves as the advisor of International Federation for Choral Music (IFCM).

The Music Director of Taipei Philharmonic Chorus, Johnny Yu-Chung-Ku, is a doctoral candidate in conducting at the College-Conservatory of Music in University of Cincinnati, and holds a master degree in conducting from Temple University, Philadelphia. He has studied with Luis Biava, Mark Gibson, Alan Harler, Earl Rivers, and Ching-Chun Su, and participated in masterclasses under Helmuth Rilling, Gustav Meier, Johannes Schlaefli, Rossen Milanov, Dale Warland, Hilliar Ensemble, Peter Philips and the Tallis Scholars, and Ulrich Nicolai.

During the 2008-09 season, Ku will conduct Taipei Philharmonic Chorus and Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir in several concerts in Taiwan, as well as 3 international tours. In addition, he is also the assistant conductor and choral master of Taiwan National Symphony Orchestra’s opera productions – Chin’s Black-beard Bible Man (world premiere), and Bizet’s Carmen. He’s also invited to be choral adjudicator, lecturer, or master class clinic in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong-Kong, China, and many cities in Taiwan.

Ku is an active member of the International Federation for Choral Music (IFCM), and is a member of the IFCM Asian-Pacific working team. He is also a Writing Fellow of Choral Journal, published by American Choral Directors’ Association, and was an invited speaker in ACDA Convention in New York City in February, 2006.

For more information, visit Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir online.

台北愛樂文教基金旗下的「台北愛樂室內合唱團」共30餘位優秀美聲團員,由藝術總監杜黑率隊,將於8月3日出發至加拿大,參加「溫哥華音樂 節」(MusicFest Vancouver)巡演。在音樂節活動中,將於8月6日演出一專場「印象台灣」音樂會,將台灣作曲家的精湛作品分享給當地樂迷,並與加拿大最具盛名的職 業團體Vancouver Chamber Choir於8月7日同台演出Double Choir Masterworks,攜手展現精湛的合唱魅力。

藝 術總監杜黑教授於1993年在一百多人的台北愛樂合唱團中,挑選出三十餘位優秀團員組成的「台北愛樂室內合唱團」,開啟了登上國際舞台的世界之旅。16年 來,足跡遍及歐、亞、美、澳四大洲、二十餘國,在全世界建立起台灣精緻合唱音樂的代表地位,更廣受全球各大音樂節慶之邀,每每擔任重要開幕演唱或研習範 唱。「台北愛樂室內合唱團」在2000年即曾獲邀至第一屆「溫哥華音樂節」表演,演唱台灣作曲家錢南章等作品,讓當地主辦單位與聽眾們留下難忘的回憶。 2009年台北愛樂室內合唱團再應主辦單位之邀,希望將表現台灣文化特色之作品再次與溫哥華的朋友們分享。


Christ Church Cathedral

Christ Church Cathedral
曲目為巴赫的經文歌《耶穌,我的喜悅》(Jesu, Meine Freude),以及浪漫派晚期作曲家馮威廉士(Ralph Vaughan Williams)的《G小調彌撒》(Mass in G Minor)。

Christ Church Cathedral
690 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 2L1

購票請洽主辦單位MusicFest Vancouver

Woodcliff United Church, 5010, Spruce Drive SW, Calgary, Alberta

South Edmonton Alliance Church, 6508-31 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta
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